CBS Stunned By Climate Change 'Inconvenient Truth...On The Way To The Apocalypse'
From the 26 September 2013 edition of CBS Evening News:
MARK PHILLIPS (voice-over): Another inconvenient truth has emerged on the way to the apocalypse. The new U.N. Report on climate change is expected to blame man-made greenhouse gases more than ever for global warming. But there's a problem. The global atmosphere hasn't been warming lately. Since 1998, while the amount of greenhouse gases continued to rise, the air temperature hasn't.
PHILLIPS (on-camera): However the apparent pause in global warming is explained, it makes the task for the world's majority of climate scientists – who urge urgent action now – more difficult. For the skeptics, it's ammunition.
PHILLIPS (off-camera): Does this remove the sense of urgency?
PHILLIPS (voice-over): For Benny Peiser, who heads a climate policy think tank, the world doesn't need crippling cuts in fossil fuel use.
PHILLIPS (off-camera): Are you saying that the measures that are being proposed – for the quite significant reduction in the production of greenhouse gases – are unrealistic; unreachable; wrong? What are you saying?
PEISER: They are unrealistic and unreachable.
PHILLIPS (voice-over): And whatever happens to the temperature, the climate change debate is about to heat up.