The Cover-up of the coming Mini Ice Age - Global Warming fails

I've been following the Global Warming "thing" for some time now. It is, as many of you have probably noticed, quite ridiculous and now, after more than 10 years after it really started, has its own data going against it. I just found this article/pdf document on the internet that summarizes relatively well some facts about the world climate, the Global Warming scam and the actual coming Mini Ice Age/Ice age. 

Here is some quote first: 
REALITY CHECK - EXTREME WEATHER IS THE ISSUE! “Before looking at the proven failure of the Man-made CO2 Climate Change proposition we need a reality check on why the world is arguing about whether or not small changes in a trace gas (CO2) are making even MEASURABLE changes in world temperature. The ONLY reason is that it was claimed that these changes if they exist might lead to DANGEROUS weather events. Extreme weather is the problem to be tackled and we at WeatherAction predict extreme weather events weeks and months ahead - with proven peer-reviewed skill - using SOLAR ACTIVITY – nothing to do with CO2. Yet the UN IPCC, Governments, Met Office and warmist media BBC, New York Times etc consistently refuse to acknowledge or report our warnings. They prefer the public to suffer and even die than admit their deluded CO2 theory has failed every objective scientific test and can predict nothing. They have a political agenda which is the enemy of evidence-based science “No flock of warmist sheep, however deluded, selfimportant, or supposedly large, can in the end overcome a single tiger of evidence-based science.” "This UN IPCC 5th report and the build-up to it is a carefully choreographed self-referencing political PR game which contains nothing of substance and regurgitates old ‘cherry picked’ discredited data and is constructed to conceal the core scientific fact: “All scientific tests and examination show there is NO ACTUAL OBSERVED EVIDENCE for man-made CO2 Climate Change in the real atmosphere and sea in the real world and ONLY EVIDENCE AGAINST. The warmist CO2 ‘theory’ is disproved. Source of pic thanks to Lou Mackenzie This is
Here is the link: LINK 

While I do realize that these guys that wrote the PDF report are more or less advertising their work and website they are just the tip of the Iceberg and what they present in the PDF (very interesting one, really) is researcheable and provable to a great extent. 

As some of you may know, our planet has been going through long periods of "Ice Ages" and the so-called "Interglacial Periods" many times during the last few million years like clockwork: 

1. 90,000 yrs of Ice Age 
2. 10,000 yrs of Interglacial Warm Period 

Currently, we have already gone through a little bit more than 10,000 yrs of very nice and warm world Climate. We are due for an Ice Age - big or small. 

Now, there are 2 basic types of Ice Ages - Big ones and Mini Ice Ages. For example, a Mini Ice age occured in Europe at the end of its Medieval period. It was at least 200 years long, with average world temperatures dropping by a few degrees. I believed some of you have heard that the River Thames in London used to totally freeze and markets were created on top of the Ice. 

Check this documentary from the 80s, I think. 

It basically explains one of the best theories available as to why Ice Ages occur and why if we actually produce more CO2, we are going to accelerate the inevitable coming of the Ice Age. This is well before the Global Warming hype started.
Evidence has mounted that global warming began in the last century and that humans are, at least in part, responsible. The concern is that the warming of our climate will greatly affect its habitability for many species, including humans. Both the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) and the U.S. National Academy of Sciences concur that this is the case. But some argue that this thinking is too limited. They say that too many scientists are either ignoring, or don’t understand, the well-established fact that Earth’s climate has changed rapidly in the past and could change rapidly in the future—in either direction. 
Evidence for abrupt climate change is readily found in ice cores taken from Greenland and Antarctica. One of the best known examples of such an event is the Younger Dryas cooling of about 12,000 years ago, named after the arctic wildflower found in northern European sediments. This event began and ended rather abruptly, and for its entire 1000 year duration the North Atlantic region was about 5°C colder. Could something like this happen again? It sure could, and because the changes can happen all within one decade—we might not even see it coming......
External article link: LINK 

Now, they say that in the 20th Century, the plante has increased in temperature by about 0.7 degrees C. True. However, we have had much more substantial periods of Warming in the past 10,000 years and they had nothing to do with CO2 emissions. The Russians were of the opinion that the Earth is actually cooling in general in the 70's: 
Study of the orbital mechanics of the solar system in the 1970s led Russians to believe the Earth was about to cool and we should prepare quickly because it will be catastrophic. Their arguments were lost in the rush to warming group-think in the 1990s, but the arguments for impending cold are well founded and still believed by many good scientists. As the sun goes even quieter and January, 2008 saw the greatest year to year temperature drop ever (128 years of NASA GISS data) and thru the end of 2008 remains relatively cool, it is clear cooling needs to be considered as a very plausible future. This is highlighted by 2 papers published in March 2008. Scafetta and West showed that up to 69% of observed warming is from the sun and remind us that the sun is projected to cool and Ramanathan and Carmichael show that soot has 60% of the warming power of CO2. Both papers state that these factors are unappreciated by IPCC. The soot may well explain the Arctic melting, as it has recently for Asian glaciers. Many scientists believe the temperature changes are more dependent on the sun than CO2, similar to the relationship in your home with your furnace. With the Sun's face nearly quiet, the monthly patterns over the last 12 months are most similar to those of 1797 preceding the Dalton Minimum of 1798-1823 during the little ice age (Timo Niroma).
Link to article: LINK 

Also, I read somewhere, and I can't find the source, that actually, in the 90s, ocean levels were expected to rise till 2012 by a few meters or so. However, levels have been dropping in general. Moreover, Antarctica's Ice has been increasing substantially. The North Ice Cap has also been increasing in the past 10 years and not decreasing.


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