The Men In Black(OPs) The Aviary & UFOs
This thread will attempt to collate a wide-range of operations, and operatives, that have, and continue, to make an impact on ufology in the course of their official work. Further, we will look at the evidence for that assertion and the impact and ramifications of what that might mean, should we find it to be true.
The first installment with deal with the so-called Aviary, one alleged member in particular, but this thread intends to cover a much broader spectrum than that group alone.
There's basically 4 lines of thought about what the Aviary has been up to especially in regards to MJ12 and it's spinoff: Serpo.
Those 4 lines of thought go something like this:
1.) They are UFO believers who in their high-clearance careers have heard rumors and have subsequently tried to determine for themselves what the government is hiding in regards to UFOs.
2.) They know the truth and are attempting, out of goodwill, or as part of official disclosure, to get the info out to the public.
3.) They are involved in ufological deception for their own murky purposes apart from any intelligence agency directives.
4.) They are tied to the hip with intelligence factions and their prime directive(s) include ufological deception.
Firstly, lets look at Dr. Green and see if his background and current activities can shed any light on the questions above.
Dr. Christopher "Kit" Green
Dr. Green is also the recipient of the the President's National Intelligence Medal for his work on a classified project during the years 1979-1983. It's my assertion that he has a lot invested in toeing the line in his government service, and with that in mind lets look at some of his more recent activities.
He's currently, according to the Wayne University page found here, a member of faculty and also involved in some very interesting projects that suggest "once a company man, always a company man," or maybe to be more fair, "once a patriot, always a patriot."
We'll see how that pans out, but what I'd like you to consider is, if it's more likely that Dr. Green would buck the system and act independently of the intelligence apparatus, or if it's more likely that he is is now & forever a "company man."
Dr. Christoper C. "Kit" Green sits on and chairs various boards that keep a close eye on events and advances in the neurophysiological sciences that have national security implications.
These studies have a particular emphasis on techniques being developed outside of U.S. oversight. Now, who would be most interested in keeping tabs on such research? Why the intelligence community of course.
And we know where the funding for such ventures almost inevitably comes, right?
Below are quotes from two different, but related, projects that Dr. Green is significantly involved in. The links to the reports themselves make for some fascinating--if somewhat scary at times--reading.
Emerging Cognitive Neuroscience and Related Technologies, from the National Research Council, identifies and explores several specific research areas that have implications for U.S. national security, and should therefore be monitored consistently by the intelligence community. These areas include:
1. neurophysiological advances in detecting and measuring indicators of psychological states and intentions of individuals
2. the development of drugs or technologies that can alter human physical or cognitive abilities
3. advances in real-time brain imaging
4. breakthroughs in high-performance computing and neuronal modeling that could allow researchers to develop systems which mimic functions of the human brain, particularly the ability to organize disparate forms of data. As these fields continue to grow, it will be imperative that the intelligence community be able to identify scientific advances relevant to national security when they occur. To do so will require adequate funding, intelligence analysts with advanced training in science and technology, and increased collaboration with the scientific community, particularly academia.
A key tool for the intelligence community, this book will also be a useful resource for the health industry, the military, and others with a vested interest in technologies such as brain imaging and cognitive or physical enhancers.
Appendix F from the same report above:
True and False Memories as an Illustrative Case of the Difficulty of Developing Accurate and Practical Neurophysiological Indexes of Psychological States
An important issue for cognitive neuroscientists concerns efforts to determine whether a person is reporting a true experience or one that is false but believed. In the last decade, there have been innumerable research efforts designed to distinguish true from false memories. Earlier work examining behavioral differences between true and false memories revealed that group differences were sometimes found (for example, more sensory details in true-memory reports) (Schooler et al., 1986). However, the statistical group differences did not enable reliable classification of any particular memory report as to its authenticity...
The military application of neuroscience research - Bulletin of the Atomic Scientists
Several of the cognitive science applications that have the most enormous ethical implication (as described by Huang and Kosal) contain advances that are being made even faster than publicly thought. These advances do not include lie detection technology, whose potential to invade the privacy of individuals is an unrealistic scientific possibility (I'm waiting for a theory of mind to be developed first!). They do include an approach to near-real-time, multimodal cognitive measurements to "watch people think" while under stress (an achievable goal scientifically) not under duress (an unachievable goal scientifically).
Not all of the "good" research will be done exclusively in the West--at least not before 2015. The results of this work will make sick people well and soldiers safer, but the technologies will not exclusively follow Western views on ethical questions, such as human stem-cell research, research on willing prisoners, and work on human-animal chimeras…
Two side questions: What is going to happen in 2015 and how close are scientists, somewhere, to "human-animal chimeras?" And the BIG question: Would it be likely that Dr. Green would act as a "rogue," or do his history, loyalties, research, and funding prospects suggest that his ufological activities are for "the company?"