Why You Should Avoid Taking the Seasonal Flu Vaccine
Every year around this
time, the vaccine industry, through its vast network of corporate-government
health agencies and mass media partners, begins drumming fear into the minds of
the public about seasonal flu in order to drive as many people as possible to
get vaccinated with a flu shot. And it seems as though every year, more and
more evidence also comes to light illustrating precisely why people
should not get a flu shot, at least not without carefully considering
the serious ramifications of participating in this annual injection ritual.
As you likely have already noticed,
it is pretty difficult to go out anywhere in public these days and not come
across various signs, banners, and billboards plastered with phrases like,
"Protect yourself and your loved ones by getting your flu shot" or
"Get the shot, not the flu." And yet, no matter how aggressively the
vaccine industry tries to push the flu vaccine on the public, it will always
remain an unproven, fear-driven, pseudo scientific scam that offers
no measurable health benefits.
Put another way, flu vaccines are
about 98.5 percent ineffective, which means the vast majority of people who get
a flu shot are deriving absolutely no health benefit. Again, this is in a best
case scenario where potential margins of error are ignored and statistical
anomalies are set aside. In all reality, there is actually not a shred of
indisputable evidence proving that flu shots are at all effective for
preventing the flu in anyone.
'Benefits' of flu shot
statistically insignificant
Last year, for instance,
a study out of the Center for Infectious Disease Research and
Policy at the University of Minnesota revealed that, at
best, the flu shot has a measly 1.5 percent effectiveness rate -- for every 100
people vaccinated with a flu shot, only 1.5 of them will avoid getting the flu.
At worst, the flu shot is entirely useless, as the same study showed that about
97 percent of people who do not get a flu shot also do not get the flu. (http://www.naturalnews.com)
36,000 people a year
do not die from the flu
And yet the
U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), eager to
dispense 135 million doses of flu vaccine this year, is waging psychological
warfare on the public by repeating equally false claims about how hundreds of
thousands of people end up in the hospital every year as a result
of influenza infection, and that about 36,000 of them die from
flu-related complications.
In truth; however, only
a few dozen people at most die every year as a direct result of flu infection
-- the rest of the deaths lumped into the flu category are actually
attributable to pneumonia, which is often a result of a severely compromised
immune system. And in some cases, weak immunity caused by the flu shot itself
is responsible for deaths blamed on flu infection. (http://www.infowars.com)
Flu shots come with a
myriad of potential side effects
Besides their
ineffectiveness, flu shots also come with an array of potentially-deadly side
effects that health authorities rarely disclose to the public. Such side
effects include things like brain damage and dementia -- many flu shots still
contain toxic mercury, after all (http://www.naturalnews.com/031870_flu_shots_brain_damage.html)
-- seizures (http://www.naturalnews.com/029334_flu_vaccines_seizures.html),
and even flu-like symptoms, which defeats the point of even getting a flu shot
in the first place.
Vitamin D,
'superfoods' far more effective than flu shots at preventing flu
At the same time, the
public is not being told that vitamin D, which is most easily obtained through
natural sunlight exposure, is far more effective at preventing the flu than any
flu shot ever will be (http://www.naturalnews.com/029760_vitamin_D_influenza.html).
Supplementing with immune-boosting "superfoods" like spirulina,
garlic, and medicinal mushrooms, while drinking plenty of clean water and
getting plenty of rest, will also help you avoid getting the flu far better
than a flu shot. (http://www.naturalnews.com/019194_flu_the_health.html)
Source: www.naturalnews.co