A Brief History of Bilderberg Tracking

How do we know about the Bilderberg Group?  Who tracked Bilderberg before Jim Tucker?  A Brief History of Bilderberg Tracking.

by Mark Dice

In 1957 a Pulitzer Prize winning columnist for Scripps Howard News Service, the Chicago Tribune and other outlets named Westbrook Pegler published the first article on the Bilderberg Group, although he did not know its name at the time, he still knew what they were doing.  He wrote “Something very mysterious is going on when a strange assortment of 67 self-qualified, polyglot designers and arbiters of the economic and political fate of our western world go into a secret huddle on an island of Brunswick, GA and not a word gets into the popular press beyond a little routine AP story.  These gumshoe super state architects and monetary schemers were drawn from all NATO countries.  The Fact of this weird conclave as spooky as any midnight meeting of the Klux in a piney wood, was bound to get known to the world eventually.”

He continues and explains how he first got word of this meeting, “I got my first word of it from a reader who happened onto St. Simon Island, Brunswick, on her way to West Palm Beach.  She wrote that the hotel on St. Simon was almost deserted, but that when she commented on this, the clerk said the place had been alive with mysterious characters a few days earlier and with Secret Service and FBI too.”

While not having a name, Westbrook did connect them with the same gang who met on Jekyll Island to formulate the plans for the Federal Reserve.  He said, “Senator Aldrich, of Rhode Island, called this one into being.  He was the father of Winthrop Aldrich.  There have been many excited versions of that ancient hoe-down on Jekyll Island in 1908, but relatively few have ever heard of it all.”      

A man named Willis Carto read Westbrook Pegler’s article and it motivated him to begin investigating and tracking the Bilderberg Group himself.  In June of 1958 Willis Carto founded Liberty Lobby which published a newsletter titled Liberty Lowdown that included work exposing the Bilderberg Group.  An article titled “Secret World Summit Conference 1975” explained “The 1975 meeting took place against the background of the most massive exposure the Bilderbergers have ever suffered.  In 1974 the meeting was at Megeve, France.  A Liberty Lobby reporter was there and although no news whatever of this important gathering was carried by either the Associated Press, United Press International, or my Newspaper in the US, Liberty Lobby alerted millions of Americans to the facts through the media of its publications and radio programs.  Because of these efforts, numerous editors of daily newspapers asked AP and UPI about previous Bilderberg meetings and demanded coverage of later ones.”

Enter Jim Tucker, today’s foremost expert on the organization, who has been tracking Bilderberg since 1975.  Tucker explains, “Had it not been for Willis A. Cato, who hired me as editor of The Spotlight and then put me on the tack of Bilderberg, I would probably-almost assuredly-never heard of the word “Bilderberg.”  Having had the opportunity, through Carto’s good offices as founder of Liberty Lobby, publisher of The Spotlight, to begin what ultimately proved to be a generation of world-wide Bilderberg-hunting, I was able to bring news about Bilderberg to literally millions of folks who would like myself have otherwise remained in the dark about these globalist schemers.”  (Page 218 of Jim Tucker’s Bilderberg Diary.)


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